Knowledge and Teachings for the World of Form
Typically an awakening will begin with an act of being/spirit/grace. You may or may not even realize it has happened initially. This moment, or event, will be the start of your energy being redirected inside. It will give your awareness enough energy that you can begin to see the illusions of pain and suffering and that it has always been you creating them. An awakening will not ensure you fully realize who you are and experience consciously the Joy and Peace of being. What it does ensure is that you have the opening and ability to make your bid for freedom.
Historically, people have to hit rock bottom and create the most intense hell for themselves that they can handle before they have enough drive to proceed on the path of awakening. One has to have created so much pain and suffering for themselves that facing what is inside is less painful than the reality they have been creating. Going in is the only way out.
Awakening is just a shift from only perceiving your world through your mind to experiencing your being directly in everything. Another way to look at it is that awakening is about realizing/experiencing you are pure awareness/being and the world of form is just a dream/illusion there to reflect yourself back.
What do you think stands between you and being a fully realized person? I will give you a hint – your mind and all of the thoughts and emotions tied up in it. The mind keeps you feeding it all of your energy through your conditioning. It keeps you imprisoned in the perception of form. It keeps you believing your ideas and thoughts are truth. This is how awareness set it up. You programmed your mind from birth to ensure you faced the lessons you chose for this lifetime.
People that remain in the conditioned state of the mind are referred to as dead or asleep. The Toltec traditions talk about the world of form as being a dream, not much different than the dreams you have while sleeping. All of the conditioned thoughts, ideas, and beliefs keep you imprisoned in your habits, behaviors, and patterns. This makes you essentially sleep walk through your life, always doing as your conditioning dictates unable to perceive a different reality. Until you are able to step back from your thoughts and emotions, look deep inside, and see what is driving all of these patterns, you are imprisoned by them. Your mind runs on autopilot keeping you in a dream of pain and suffering. The good thing is, the dream becomes a nightmare which drives you to wake up. When you awaken to the dream, you then will be able to be a co-creator with Awareness and create a new heaven for yourself.
The experience of fully realized awakening takes persistence, perseverance, and consistent effort. If you are looking for an easy path to freedom I would ask you to look inside and find out where that aversion to exploring your self comes from.
Your mind is the tool you use for creating and interacting with your world. To be clear, you do not physically create your world with your mind. You only create your perception of your world. Perception is your experience of how you filter your sense input through your ideas and beliefs. The structure of the world that we all interact with is just an energetic framework we are connected to. The structure of the world is the same as the structure of you. At it’s core it is infinity and eternity. It is a part of All-That-Is.
The events and experiences that you perceive are fully created by what we will call All-That-Is. You do co-create with All-That-Is through the repetition of your thoughts and emotions. You don’t actually create anything, you just pull events and experiences to you, which All-That-Is is creating, so that you can perceive and learn from them.
How does this function? From birth on, you receive input from the world around you. Through this input, you create what I call your book of law (see description in teachings). Your book of law is just the ideas you choose to accept as your truth and are set as your beliefs. These beliefs generate thoughts which create emotional responses. Once a belief is set, it will perpetually create repetitive patterns of thought and correlating strong emotions. The emotions are reactions to the thoughts which feed energy to and drive the continuation of the thoughts. This feedback loop keeps you locked in a cycle of behaviors, habits, and patterns.
The reality of the world of form is held in your thoughts. Your thoughts are how you create your perceptions and experiences. Thoughts and emotion are used to pull you into experiences and events so that you can learn the lesson behind those thoughts and emotions. Without stepping out of your thoughts and emotions, you are stuck believing that they are you and therefore do not learn the lessons. This attachment to your thoughts and emotions causes every experience, internal or external, to add to the wounds you are carrying. The more you attach to and identify with your thoughts and emotions as the truth, the larger your wounds will grow. As you feed your wounds with the energy of your thoughts and emotions, the gravitational force to the habitual thought patterns and behaviors will grow. This is what keeps you repeating your habits and patterns. You may try to run from them, but you will just repeat them with different people and places.
The primary or initial wounds are created from birth to 7 years of age. We will call these your core lessons. They become deep and hidden- constantly producing pain for you in the form of what we refer to as negative emotions. They also tend to generate most of your other wounds and all of your hidden patterns and habits.
Your perception of your world is entirely dependent on your wounds. Everything that comes into your awareness is filtered through them and then reacted to. As your mind reacts, it generates rapid and constant thoughts which drive more emotions. This loop is what really solidifies your reality. The reality of the dream we call this world becomes more rigid and solid the more thought and emotion is put in. Your mind will diligently bring up all the pain and patterns you set up for yourself to experience so you can learn the lessons you chose for yourself and so you will evolve.
The mind is a tool meant to help you create the world of your dreams. As it stands, it seems as though the mind has usurped your entire awareness and is running amok. The attachment to, or identification with, your ideas as truth and avoiding the source of your pain has forced the mind to perpetually remain in thrall of your wounds. Without looking inside and finding/releasing your wounds, your mind will withhold all of your energy and power in order to force you to look at your lessons. The lessons are set up to ensure you evolve into fully free and awakened beings.
This will lead to conscious awareness of being. When you become consciously aware of your being and live your life through that, the world becomes less rigid. You can then play with reality. You can let the Joy of being flow through you out into your world. This state is freedom. Enlightenment. Bliss. It is Peace and Joy. You will have a deep knowing of creating the dream of form as a playground of love. You see the perfection in everything. You embody the formless and perceive it’s reflection in the world of form. With this vantage point, you can choose the thoughts that align with anything you want to create, and the world will pull you into those experiences that reflect your every Heart’s desire.
The mind is originally setup by your being to be conditioned for the best path for you to learn certain lessons to evolve and wake up. You chose who you would be, who your parents are, the society you would come into, along with all of the ideas, opinions, and beliefs that go along with those elements. This is what you can call your planned original conditioning.
Original conditioning sets up a continuous loop of creation that makes you keep repeating internal patterns that are then reflected outside you to see and eventually understand your lessons. You are not being tested or punished with the things that “happen to” you– you are being prompted to evolve and grow. As long as you don’t face what you are creating for yourself, the lessons will become bigger and more impactful in your outer world. This pattern setup is also teaching you how to create your reality and world.
Your original conditioning will also solidify your creation of good/bad, right/wrong, should/shouldn’t, holy/evil, them me(us) is a mechanism to create separation for reflection so you can understand your lessons. These opinions, which you have been conditioned to accept and you turned into beliefs (unassailable truths), are at the core of your lessons/wounds. They create your judge, victim, and personal importance, which are the 3 biggest walls that keep you imprisoned in pain. As you wake up and heal your wounds, these judgements will collapse and you will know unity.
Everything you perceive outside yourself is a perfect reflection of everything inside. This will be the most powerful understanding you can make when starting on your path to Freedom. Only through owning your power and the responsibility that goes with it, can you truly begin to heal your wounds. This is the power of the mind – you set up an internal pattern, it will run it tirelessly, and external reality will reflect it back for you to experience. It is a beautiful thing when you clean up your wounds and experience the heaven that your heart embodies.
One of the very first lessons you must learn is that you are not your mind! The mind encompasses your beliefs, ideas, thoughts, emotions, and all concepts. As long as you accept that your thoughts and emotions are not just truth but also a part of you, you will remain trapped in the suffering of your lessons.
As discussed above in how the mind is a tool and how you create your world, the mind is meant to be the part of you that creates form. The problem is not the mind – the problem is that you have given all of your faith, energy, and power to it. You have become so attached and identified with the mind, you no longer are able to turn it off or direct it as your heart directs. You have essentially created an energetic parasite within you that eats all of your awareness each moment.
The Toltec teachings initially teach that you must kill the “parasite”. After decades on this path, I have come to the understanding that making your mind an opponent to be destroyed does not create a path that will produce the best results now. The basis for setting it as an adversary essentially has you use the mind to fight itself. It also set you up to stop believing every thought and/or idea that popped up. In the past, this was probably the best route to take because the need to break someone’s perception of their world took extensive measures. People had such a narrow view of reality it was virtually impossible to question or go against the beliefs they were conditioned to accept as TRUTH. Now people have access to all the differences in beliefs and opinions the world has to offer. This has opened people to accepting and working with new ideas.
My perception of working with the mind is to see it as the tool it was meant to be. Every idea, belief, and thought was set up for you to evolve. So let’s use it to evolve out of the prison we learned and created for ourselves. Let’s learn what it is trying so desperately to tell us so we can move forward and experience the heaven our hearts are perceiving.
Let’s talk about your thoughts a bit more. Your mind uses your thoughts to maintain and perpetuate all of your habits, behaviors, and patterns. Your thoughts are driven by your book of law, victim, judge, and personal importance – all the conditioning you received from the world and then from your own mind. These are your wounds which hold your evolutionary lessons.
Your thoughts do 2 things in the conditioned mind. They drive all of your actions and reactions as wells as attempt to hide the source of your pain from your awareness and protect you from your wounds. The trouble is that keeps all of your wounds repressed and active. Just because you hide from them doesn’t make them disappear. When you don’t address your wounds, your thoughts will continue to bring people, events/experiences into your world that will reflect your wounds so you can become aware of them so they can be processed. The typical mind reaction to the reflections in your world is to feel more victimized and see all those things as unfair, punishment, bad luck, etc.
Your mind and thoughts are not evil entities to be attacked and shunned. They are working the way they were set up to. They are there to help you see, face, and release your lessons. The longer you go without looking inside and processing, the bigger the events become. Your wounds, through your thoughts and emotions, can and will create everything from accidents to illnesses. Heal your inner wounds and you will move into more and more positive events, experiences, and people.
In a human free of the domestication/conditioning from the world - thoughts are the creative element of your form that assists your being in creating your world. When you Heal your wounds and live in a state embodying awareness or being, you will experience heaven on earth. As you heal your wounds and take the energy/awareness away from those wounds, your mind will quiet naturally until it ceases. At that point, you can use the mind and thoughts as they were meant to – as tools to co-create with being out of joy and peace to bring heaven on earth out into form.
The idea isn’t kill the mind and never think, it is to evolve so that your mind doesn’t drive your thoughts based entirely on your evolutionary wounds. Conserve your awareness to focus on your heart’s desires, which is always in line with All-That-Is and what is best for all. If you can not stop your thoughts or narrator that is constantly speaking, then you know you have not addressed your wounds.
The Toltec teachings have many techniques to direct your awareness to find and heal your wounds. The techniques are not the only way to get there. They are not the right fit for everyone. They are tools to be used until they are no longer working as pointers.
The fact is that your thoughts create your emotional reactions. Your thoughts are created on a loop based on others’ thoughts and ideas that became opinions that became beliefs that became your wounds and book of law. The mind then created patterns to avoid facing the pain in your wounds and book of law. As long as your thoughts are a continuous stream that goes on incessantly with no true awareness, you will be stuck in whatever world your wounds are creating for you. Stop the narrator and be aware of your thoughts and emotions as they arise each moment and watch where they come from. Do this and you will be free to experience the heaven on earth we are here for.
Attachment is when you take an idea or concept and choose to put your energy into making it a part of who/what you believe you are. The idea/opinion becomes part of your identity. The structure of how this happens is your mind takes an opinion and makes it a belief. This just means that you change an opinion into your current truth. Once you decide it is your truth, you add emotional energy to it and create stories around it to solidify the opinion as true. The stories you put on repeat increase the emotional charge and flesh out the boundaries of truth/not truth. The stories, boundaries, thoughts, and emotions make the opinion now a part of who/what you think you are. You know have an attachment that you are deeply connected to. The depth of the emotional charge will determine how it affects and creates your reality. Every opinion you attach to will define you/your world and blind you to all the ideas that go against what you have chosen to be your “truth”. Every idea that you identify with limits who you can be or what you will allow yourself to do and experience.
Your mind will hold all of your opinions that you have decided would be your “truth” about the world and how you fit in. These opinions define what is real or true and what is not. The more attached you are to this idea, the more energy it has to shape your world. This separates you from all the possibilities of being. This separation enforces your mind’s incessant search to fulfill itself through what it perceives as outside of itself. I call this your book of limitations or BOL. Your book of limitations (BOL) is what will generate all of your perceptions of your world and your self. Your book of limitations (BOL) could also be called your book of identities or attachments. After a certain amount of energy and power has been put into these beliefs, they will become invisible to your mind and run on an infinite loop - always recreating the same events in your world. Typically most people will not recognize that they are creating their experiences because most of their attached beliefs are invisible. Along with that, we are taught to project everything out onto the external world. This makes it impossible to recognize that your internal world is what creates everything in your external world. You have been taught to believe in things backwards. I will cover more about this in the section on projection.
As soon as you have fully identified with or attached to an idea and made it a belief, it will be considered just an aspect of reality. At this point you will be unable to change it without putting energy and awareness into finding and acknowledging that what you consider a truth is just an opinion you have made part of your self. Your mind will not allow you to go against these attachments until you take back your power and awareness. Your mind will fight you if you work to let go of an idea that you have made solid through attachment/identification. Your mind will feel as if it is being killed because the “truth” is a part of you. This is why it is difficult to make significant or lasting change – your mind thinks you are killing it and it will fight you.
Your attachments shape your perception of the world. Everything you experience internally or externally will be compared to your book of limitations (BOL). Every experience, internal or external, is compared to what your BOL says is right/wrong and then is judged. The judgement will then generate an internal reaction of thoughts/stories/and emotions. When something goes against what your opinions say is right, it creates pain through your judge, victim, and personal importance.
Attachments to ideas of right/wrong, good/bad etc are the source of all of your lessons…and all of your pain. They are a way to separate you from ONENESS so you can learn. Once you separate yourself, you project all of your inner world out onto your perceived world. Projection then causes all of your wants/needs and victim-stance because those things are no longer inside or a part of you, they appear as if they are coming at you from outside. You have been conditioned from birth to see the world as the source of all your inner reactions. This conditioned response is what we call your victim. (See projection, wounds, victim, judge, and personal importance sections for more clarification)
In a very simplified description – Your attachment to your BOL is what creates your needs through creating separation between what you think is you and your whole self. Those needs make you look outside to fulfil what you have chosen to believe is separate from and not in you. This separation is what keeps you feeling pain and suffering. The conditioning to put all responsibility for your inner world onto the outer is what keeps you from learning your lesson and freeing yourself from the pain you are creating for yourself.
The more cycles you create for each belief creates more emotional charge and therefore more pain which in turn creates more events to reflect that belief and pain. This will eventually create enough pain that the mind will crash. Typically it gets to a point where you will have a strong emotional release that doesn’t match the event that sets it off. You then release just enough emotion to enable your mind to cover up the pain again. Add enough pain and cycles and your mind will eventually wake up. This is why pain isn’t a bad thing in the scope of personal reality.
The first stage of the teachings is developed to help people learn to reverse their focus from outside to inside. Then to use the new focus to find all of the opinions they have chosen to make into truth so that they can be changed. In order to make changes, you have to begin releasing all the pent up and stored emotions that are connected to the opinions you consider truth. Then you can change the opinion and create new beliefs that will generate the external reality that your heart desires.
One of the first techniques to put to use immediately is using your pain to find the beliefs your mind is holding. When you can be aware of the pain and the true source, which is your thoughts, beliefs, and judgements about something, you will be able to take back the energy and power that you have put into maintaining your attachment to the opinion. The more energy you take back, the lighter you will become and the easier it will be to take your energy back from the next opinion.
Another technique is to look at what you are telling yourself you want/need. Typically what you tell your self you want is a need. This is determined by the level of attachment you have to what you tell your self is just a want. If you want to see how attached you are, completely let go of what you want to do/be/get and see how your mind reacts. Take action to let go and watch your mind’s reaction. This reaction is going to show you what you believe is true. Use that to release any emotions attached to the opinion you hold as truth.
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